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Covid-19 Contact

The virus might have forced us out the office but we’re still working and available for support.

We are still supporting young people by telephone and social media and have been in touch with all current cases to let them know how to contact us etc.  We will be arranging to do calls or facetime with young people to stay connected during this time.

If you need to speak to a worker there is a full list of contact details below, we will get back to you as soon as we can.  Also please feel free to get in touch through our social media channels or through the website and we’ll get back to you soon.

Facebook @wearecornerhouse 

Instagram @wearecornerhouse

Twitter @werecornerhouse


CARE Project

Connie Easterby-Jackson: 07852 745292 connie@wearecornerhouse.org

Jenna Little: 07376 179759 jennalittle@wearecornerhouse.org

Viv Blackledge: 07580 417577 vivblackledge@wearecornerhouse.org


Boys and Young Mens support including Break the Cycle

Luke Medcalf: 07538 195882 bym@wearecornerhouse.org


Peer Mentoring

Estelle Parker: 07496 034229 estelleosborne@wearecornerhouse.org

Angie Pattrick: 07716 315875 angiepattrick@wearecornerhouse.org

Moira Murphy: moiramurphy@wearecornerhouse.org

Fiona Parker: fionaparker@wearecornerhouse.org

twitter @hullpeer 

facebook @peermentoringhull

instagram @peermentorhull


Step Out LGBT+ youth group

contact the group stepouthull@gmail.com

across social media @stepouthull instagram or  facebook

or contact Viv 07580 417577



Tish Lamb: 07525 166528 manager@wearecornerhouse.org


Lynn Humphreys finance@wearecornerhouse.org

Admin and referrals

Helen Phillips admin@wearecornerhouse.org

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