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Back to school!

We are absolutely thrilled to be back delivering face to face education this week!

With our long standing partners at Winifred Holtby Academy, this week for the first time in a year, we have been back in the classroom delivering relationship and sex education with year 9 and 11, with year 8 and 10 all rescheduled to fit in over the summer term.

We've delivered RSE at the academy for longer than I've been at Cornerhouse (12 years) and developed and delivered a "whole school approach" for the last 9 – we’ve even been recognised as best practice in research from by the University of Bristol for this approach.

In practice this means that every single class has had 3 lessons with us in every year of their school career (if we just ignore the impact of Covid for now!) allowing us to really layer up our input be reactive to current information and themes, and over the course of 5 years they get a complete package to complement their IAG lessons.

It is quite an undertaking but we love this approach.  We get to know the students and they get to have sessions with facilitators they know but are not their teachers. We were thrilled to hear they were asking teachers if they would still get to have their sessions from Cornerhouse this year when they went back last week.

So happy to be back!


Our offer to schools is completely tailored to your needs and we have a wide range of age appropriate lessons we can deliver around all aspects of RSE, all of our facilitators support young people outside of the classroom, allowing us to bring a wide range of experience to the classroom.  From year 7 to 13, puberty to consent, we can engage students to give them what they need to make informed choices about their own health and well-being in the future when they need it.

If you would like to find out more about what we can offer your school, please get in touch with me on vivblackledge@wearecornerhouse.org

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