
What we do

What we do

We have a number of projects which support young people on a range of issues:

  • Flipside - supports young people who may be at risk of entering the criminal justice system using a trauma informed approach. Including:
    • One to one support for young people at risk of child exploitation
    • Support for boys and young men around healthy relationships 'Break the cycle'
  • Reachout - street based outreach project covering the city of Hull.
  • LGBTQIA+ - Support for young people around gender, sexuality and identity, including the Step Out group
  • Training for professionals and parents/carers
  • Relationship and sex education in schools or any other youth setting

For one to one support please download and complete the appropriate referral form below or contact us on 01482327044

DOWNLOAD Referral for Flipside

DOWNLOAD Referral for Flipside

DOWNLOAD Referral for LGBTQ+

DOWNLOAD Referral for LGBTQ+

People Group



Flipside works in a trauma informed way with young people. Trauma is: Trauma isn’t what happens to you, it’s about how you are affected from something happening to or around you. The effect of trauma differs for everyone and can present differently. Effects of trauma can be triggered by people, places, words, or sensory stimulation. Flipside understands how the effects of trauma may impact you and may lead into situations that you don’t want to be in.

We work we 11-19 year olds who are:

At risk of being involved in criminal activity
At risk of being criminally or sexually exploited or groomed into exploitation.
Low level controlling behaviours to partners or family
We are equipped to support neurodiverse young people who are affected by any of the above.

We offer:

One to one support in a place that makes the young person feel comfortable

We aim to support young people with what’s going on for them. We promote opportunities to make informed choices and to be apart of different communities and to explore hobbies and interests.

You people accessing flipside can also access:

Complimentary therapy including message, reiki and meditation.

Person centre counselling

Active therapy, using sports and activities,

Access to Warren records

Access to The Curve (digital skills hub)

SCRAN (learning kitchen)

Support with education, training and employment. 

Boys and Young Men

The BYM project exists to meet the needs of boys and young men aged 11-19 in Hull and the surrounding areas. The interventions they project can deliver are as follows:

Break The Cycle

Break the Cycle is a project offering tailored 1-1 support to males aged 11-16, at an early intervention stage.  The aim is to work with the young men identified as showing early warning signs of abusive behaviours, and to support them in their understanding of themselves and relationships to prevent behaviours from escalating and becoming more serious. The support will “nudge” these males back on to a healthier path by delivering weekly sessions with no fixed end date. 
The project also offers a 5 week programme in schools, working with small groups of young men who have been identified by the school as needing extra support with emotional control, these could be young men potentially displaying quite aggressive behaviours within school. The programme aims to help these young people express their emotions in a healthier way, by learning to spot the early triggers and giving techniques to help control emotions better.

*The project is not for young people who are currently witnessing domestic abuse at home. If this is the case please treat it as a safeguarding issue and deal with it appropriately.*


SEN Support

Supporting young males aged 11-19 with learning disabilities around Relationships and sexual behaviour.


CARE Project (Children at Risk of Exploitation)

The CARE project is aimed at supporting young people who are being sexually exploited or are considered to be at risk. The project works with both boys and girls, on a one to one basis and in schools, and can do work with the young people around a variety of topics including sexual exploitation, grooming and risk-taking behaviour both in the physical and online worlds. 

The CARE team are CEOP ambassadors and are able to train young people as well as staff.

Offering resources from CEOP, Barnardo’s and the Blast Project, as well as bringing their own in depth personal knowledge and experience, they offer high impact sessions as a one off or over a number of sessions.

When completing the referral form, please ensure to complete as much as possible with as much detail as you are able to provide as this will help us with initial assessment and allocation.


The Reachout Project is delivered in partnership with The Warren. The aim is to engage with young people who have very little to do and are not engaging with their local youth provision and are potentially participating in low level anti- social behaviour.

Partner agencies can contact the team if there are areas where there are groups of youths who may benefit from the team trying to engage them. There are a team of 4 outreach workers who cover 10 shifts across the city a week. 

Locations are subject to change depending on calls for service from partner agencies.

LGBTQ+ Support

We are able to offer support to young people who are questioning or idenfity as LGBTQ+ with one to one support and the Step Out youth group.

Relationships and Sex Education

Cornerhouse has delivered relationship and sex education in secondary schools and other venues for over 25 years.  Subjects covered include but are not limited to:

  • Sexual health - STIs and HIV, Contraception, Condoms, safer sex
  • Healthy relationships - consent, CSE, domestic abuse
  • Puberty and body changes
  • Body image, self esteem and identity
  • LGBT+
  • Online safety, CEOP

We can offer bespoke packages to meet your venues needs whether that is a one of session, input for an enrichment day a whole school approach, to discuss your needs please get in touch with Viv Blackledge - vivblackledge@wearecornerhouse.org or 01482327044


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