
I think I might be pregnant

I think I might be pregnant

I think I might be pregnant

If you have had unprotected sex in the last 5 days you can get emergency contraception which can help prevent pregnancies, this can either be a pill (often called the morning after pill) or the copper coil (which is over 99% effective for 5 days). 

You can visit Conifer Services in the Wilberforce health centre, or visit a local pharmacy or family planning clinic to access this.  Not all service can offer the same types of emergency contraception.

Find out more about the different type of Emergency contraception here

If it has been more than 5 days but you are not late for your period yet, our advise would normally be to wait, not to panic, and see if your period comes when you expect it too.

If you are still worried you can pop into Conifer services or chat to a nurse in Conifer's virtual clinic :

  • Monday: 6pm – 8pm
  • Wednesday: 6pm – 8pm
  • Thursday: 6pm – 8pm

If you are late for your period it could be worth doing a test, although be aware if when you had unprotected sex was in the last few days-2weeks a test might still not be accurate.  You can do this for free at a MESMAC drop in service, or give them a call on 01482 291190

Until you have done a test, we'd encourage you not to worry to much, as stress itself can be enough to make you feel weird or make your period late!  But if you do want to have a think about your options for if you were pregnant, you might find some useful information here on the Sexwise website



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