
Where do I get condoms from?

Where and when

Where do I get condoms from? Where and when

Where do I get Condoms and contraception from?

Places and times.

Condoms are the only method of contraception that will protect from both STIs and pregnancy.

Free condoms and testing in Hull are available from MESMAC on Freetown Way, call them on 01482 291190 for opening hours and places you can find them in colleges or the community.

For other contraception, like the pill, implant(rod) or injection, Conifer Services on the 4th floor of the Wilberforce Health Center on Storey Street in Hull is the best place to contact, or call 01482 247111 and select the option for sexual health for more information.

Other people you can speak to if you feel comfortable are your own GP, or your school nurse could be a great person to start the conversation with, they might be able to get in touch with someone to visit you at school or college.

Using condoms is easy, when you know how!

  1. Always check the expiry date on the condom first, if it is past the date on the pack it is more likely to break.
  2. Carefully open the foil packaging that the condom is wrapped in, taking care not to tear the condom.
  3. Hold the tip of the condom between your forefinger and thumb to make sure it's put on the right way round and no air is trapped inside (the condom may split if air is trapped inside).
  4. Place the condom over the tip of the penis.
  5. While squeezing the tip of the condom, roll it down over the length of the erect penis.
  6. If the condom will not unroll, it's probably on inside out – start again with a new condom as there may be sperm on it.

To find out more check out this video...

How to use a condom

How to use a condomPlay Video

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